
page formatting in progress :/

  1. Task Agenda Checklist
    • skills used: javascript, html/css, bootstrap, reactJS
    • A simple to-do checklist with a set reminder button

  2. E-Commerce Website:
    • skills used: javascript, html/css, bootstrap
    • A prototype website of a real e-commerce site

  3. Addition Form:
    • skills used: javascript, html, bootstrap5, JSON data, js scripting
    • A simple webpage with a form that allows users to input 2 numbers. Upon clicking the submit button,
      utilized Javascript to add the 2 numbers and display the result in a 3rd field on the form.

  4. GPA Calculator:
    • skills used: javascript, html, bootstrap5, JSON data, js scripting
    • designed and implemented a webpage script that features a grid to take input of a user's subject grades(up to 4).
      Upon clicking submit button located at bottom of grid, page dynamically transitions to hide the grid and
      display a table showcasing number grades of a student and grade point average for the subjects.

  5. Company Information Data Table:
    • skills used: javascript, html, bootstrap5, JSON data
    • utilized js scripting to read a json file and display the data in tabular form, in an html table

  6. Simple Weather App:
    • skills used: javascript, html, JSON, bootstrap, api.weathermap.org
    • Created a weather application that fetches information from remote weather
      and displays information for that day.